California Sh*thole — September 17, 2018 at 2:29 pm

California Bureau Officials Logjam State Politicians


After years of environmental studies, feasibility reports and stalled plans, federal officials are moving forward with plans to raise the height of Shasta Dam about twenty feet higher when the lake is full. The first contract will be awarded next year.

The Trump administration is pushing for a $1.3 billion expansion of the 602-foot Shasta Dam in Northern California even though state officials are dead set against it.

According to Breitbart, President Donald Trump is being credited for the passage of a new provision through the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday that will provide funding to help California to build its first water storage infrastructure in 40 years.

The House approved several provisions Thursday that help fund water storage projects. The Senate is expected to concur shortly, and Trump is expected to sign the legislation into law next week.

Republican Rep. Jeff Denham and Democrat Rep. Jim Costa have been pushing for additional water storage for the state for years in constantly-at-risk-of-drought California. Since 1979, California’s population has grown 70 percent.

Stiff opposition could stall another infrastructure project that California so desperately needs. John Laird, the state’s Secretary for Natural Resources is forestalling Congress to seek other ways to increase water storage in the state.

According to Damon Arthur, of Redding Record Searchlight, “As you may be aware, the Shasta Dam enlargement project would violate California law due to the adverse impacts that project may have on the McCloud River and its fishery,” the letter said.

Trump’s election is helping to break the stalemate, especially as he has pushed for more infrastructure spending and Republican Rep. Jeff Denham and Democrat Rep. Jim Costa, both incumbents, are at risk in the 2018 midterm elections.

Read More: Redding Record Searchlight, Construction contract to raise height of Shasta Dam expected next year


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